• When Our Joy is Dependent

    We are burdened by the outcome. When we rely on specific results we are basing our own freedom and joy on a specific scenario. “I must get this big raise” or “I must get everyone to like me” because “that is the only way I will be happy!”

    We bet all of our money on an exterior thing. We’re all in on one scenario. We depend on the money or the lover or the politician to feel whole. That is us using an exterior, out of our control, scenario to fulfill our own identify of self.

    What does that thing we depend on bring us that is inaccessible in this given moment? Think critically about what it is that this dream scenario brings you.

    Does a big promotion give you more wealth and does that wealth give you a new car? What is the point of the new car? Status? What does status give you? Self importance? What does self importance give you? Respect for yourself? What does respect for yourself give you? Love?

    In that situation, our own love is entirely depended on a promotion. My god, that is a lot of effort! When we are unable to love what we perceive to be unlovable we go to great lengths to find alternatives to this. That’s how we build our dependencies for happiness.

    How do you love yourself? By bringing your awareness back to this given moment. While the awareness is there, focus on the thing that you can love in this moment. From there, slowly expand it outward to meet the loving joy for the act of loving something.

  • Being Free

    To be free isn’t to remove the weight but to be with the weight. When a person jumps into water, the water does not reject the person. The water envelopes them. It fits the person into itself.

    The burden in our lives does not stop us from being free. Our relationship to the burden stops us from being free. Burden, like all else, is fuel for becoming more free.

    The weight of burden is a reminder to bring our attention back to the moment. The moment is where true freedom exists. That is: the connection to true authentic selves, the infinite well of joy.

    To return to the moment by not getting trapped in the crushing weight of burden – ooh, wow! What freedom one has!

  • How Do You Love Evil?

    How do you love someone who has created an injustice? Loving everyone includes evil after all.

    When we identify ourselves, everything in the world can be identified as not ourselves. We know where we exist and where we end. Identification of ourselves creates separation and division from everything that we identify as not ourselves. When there is separation and division, there is conflict.

    Identification creates conflict which is the drama of our lives. We become lost in the game of living. We begin to weave narratives around the drama and tell stories. It’s the melodrama of our lives. Us succumbing to our own drama is the same as Earth rotating on its axis. Both are the universe acting, performing, and doing it’s thing.

    That last sentence is critical. Everything we do is the universe in motion. Our identification is part of the grand game. Good and evil exist in our identification. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Our love exists beyond the coin. To love evil is to exist beyond the coin. Stopping the identification of ourselves allows us to see through the separation of all things. It lets us expand our love to all that we know. It stops our own hate because we aren’t hate. We are joy. By releasing the guard rails, we expand ourselves and start loving all there is.

    Loving everything does not mean allowing injustice to spread. This is an important clarification. We must do everything we can to stop injustice and prevent suffering. Because we exist in a society, we must help each other. Building community, protecting each other from hate, feeding each other, caring for each other’s well being are foundational to a functioning society. This is our part in the grand game, the universe doing its thing.

    How do you love evil, hate, and injustice? By seeing through the veil of identification. You are the universe. The universe still plays the role of stopping evil, hate, and injustice. When you see through the identification, your love expands to parts thought to be unlovable.

  • Finding Everything in the Now

    In this present moment, you can find everything you need to be in peace. When you are present, you aren’t doubting yourself, burdened by the past, worried of the future, or concerned with judgements and opinions.

    In any moment, you can release into yourself. When you do, you are connected with who you are and the authenticity of yourself. All you need to do is still yourself and bring your awareness to the moment.

    Anything that doesn’t exists in the current moment is subject to time. When it’s subject to time, it does not exist.

    What do you want to be and what is keeping you from being that in this moment?

  • The Only True Path in Life

    The only path we must follow is that of the heart. The path that speaks to us through our heart and beyond into our spirit. This path shows itself to us beyond words because it’s been innate in us before language was ever created. This path exists in all things – things don’t have words.

    Our path is our truth and meaning in life. Often, we follow paths that others have followed. We can only be in their path and can only live a derivative life of theirs – not their own. We do this out of fear of listening to our own heart. When we listen to our heart, we will realize that the path we are on may not be right for us. When we understand this, we must leave it to follow our own path.

    When we are aligned with our heart path we begin to notice that life begins to fall in place. We move as if the wind is at our backs. This is the start of how we live impeccable lives, fulfulling our dharmic duties, finding our life purpose.