How do you love someone who has created an injustice? Loving everyone includes evil after all.
When we identify ourselves, everything in the world can be identified as not ourselves. We know where we exist and where we end. Identification of ourselves creates separation and division from everything that we identify as not ourselves. When there is separation and division, there is conflict.
Identification creates conflict which is the drama of our lives. We become lost in the game of living. We begin to weave narratives around the drama and tell stories. It’s the melodrama of our lives. Us succumbing to our own drama is the same as Earth rotating on its axis. Both are the universe acting, performing, and doing it’s thing.
That last sentence is critical. Everything we do is the universe in motion. Our identification is part of the grand game. Good and evil exist in our identification. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Our love exists beyond the coin. To love evil is to exist beyond the coin. Stopping the identification of ourselves allows us to see through the separation of all things. It lets us expand our love to all that we know. It stops our own hate because we aren’t hate. We are joy. By releasing the guard rails, we expand ourselves and start loving all there is.
Loving everything does not mean allowing injustice to spread. This is an important clarification. We must do everything we can to stop injustice and prevent suffering. Because we exist in a society, we must help each other. Building community, protecting each other from hate, feeding each other, caring for each other’s well being are foundational to a functioning society. This is our part in the grand game, the universe doing its thing.
How do you love evil, hate, and injustice? By seeing through the veil of identification. You are the universe. The universe still plays the role of stopping evil, hate, and injustice. When you see through the identification, your love expands to parts thought to be unlovable.